Tuesday, April 24

White House Egg Roll

Our friends Nathan and Brenda came upon tickets to the White House Easter Egg roll. Figuring we would never have the opportunity again we took them up on it and had a blast. It was a fantastic event that was very well attended. There were visits by the Easter Bunny (of course) several of the Nickelodeon and Disney characters as well some some of the White House staff and celebrities. We saw Olympic Gold Medalist Kerri Strug and White House Chief of Staff Josh Bolten, among others. Where else can you have the NTSB chairman read you a Thomas the Train story?
Addy had a good time
Bella got her face painted with an Easter Egg

Every train to Austin is a 'choo-choo,' even the Washington Metro
How does this go again?
On your mark....
Get set.....and.....
Go!!! Or you can just stand up and cheer! Austin, you're first in our book!!!
At first he had a hard time figuring it all out, but once he got the hang of rolling the easter egg with a spoon he didn't want to stop. He didn't come in first in his race, but he did pretty well. Mom and Dad were proud.
The Easter Bunny was a little scary
Austin was a little overwhelmed with some of the characters he met....this is Jakers

The First Dogs playing in the Rose Garden. There were a bunch of NPS guys on doggy detail.

Okay nothing makes me more frustrated than losing an entire blog post when I'm trying to catch up. Let's see.... I'm not even going to try... here are the pictures from the Easter Egg Roll at the White house. Lot's more to come (hopefully I don't lose this post too, I'll lose my mind if I do).


Kim and Matt said...

How cool! I don't blame you for taking advantage of this opportunity. Looks like it was fun. :)

CLBinBKLYN said...

Jakers looks like President Bush.