Friday, November 3

Purple Dragon

Halloween was such a blast with Austin this year, but we really missed sharing it with daddy and other family members. Chris had to work that evening so we headed around the neighborhood to a couple of our friends houses. It was warm out and he got a little uncomfortable after I put his costume on in the house. Once he saw himself in the mirror, and laughed at himself a little bit he was perfectly accepting of his costume.

Austin made himself at home at the McMahon's next store, raiding their treat bowl. He dug through until he found his very favorite, lollipops! The night only got more interesting from there as he was a sticky mess from there on out. We had the most beautiful weather, mid 60s if I remember correctly.

Our friends Amy and Barry and their beautiful little girl Ava had us over to hang out on their front lawn. It was nice for us both to have friends to hang out with on such a beautiful night. Thank you Amy for inviting us over. I must say we have the greatest neighborhood for Halloween. Everyone was outside for the kids to hand out candy, camped out on their front lawns with drinks and goodies, almost like a block party, accept cooler because there was a purple dragon there!

Austin is very much on the run these days, I can't seem to keep him still to even grab a decent photo anymore. He was climbing into shrubs and up on neighbors doorsteps. It's a good thing it was Halloween and perfectly acceptable for little purple monsters to be on your doorstep.

Halloween day I took him to Barnes and Noble to play with the train set (and to get a little early Christmas shopping done). He had such a blast, hope Santa brings him a train set this year. Finally these other photos are from today. I took him outside to play in the leaves. Once again he was on the loose, I couldn't keep up with him and every time he'd start walking, he'd flop down to play with the leaves and take off in sprint-crawl away from me. He's a wild child that's for sure.

We hope you all enjoy the photos and can't wait to hear your feedback.

Love, Liz, Chris, Austin & 'H'


momto2boys said...

Love it!! How adorable!! Where did you get that costume??

Erin said...

I love the Purple Dragon! We look forward to seeing you guys soon!