Sunday, January 14

My Responsibility, our responsibility

Friends and family. If ever there has been a forum where my voice has been heard it is here on my blog. I attribute the high level of traffic I receive from our adorable little boy and I am thankful for that. So for our charming little Austin, the one we all love so much, and for his cousins and friends and someday their children, I ask you to do one thing. If you haven't already seen the Documentary An Inconvenient Truth, please go out, rent it, Netflix it, buy it, ask us, you can borrow our copy, just watch it. It has nothing to do with politics and everything to do with the responsibility we have to our planet and our children. There are so many things we can do to slow the progression of Global Warming. So recycle that coffee cup you're drinking out of this morning, turn off the light you leave on in the kitchen at night just in case, wash your clothes in cold water instead of hot, turn your thermostat and water heater down a couple degrees and walk, walk, walk, everywhere you can so that Austin can experience a white Christmas and the thrill of a snow day off from school, snowball fights, tunnels and forts!

Grandpa and all my other "right" family and friends who may be too set in their beliefs to even think of watching a documentary staring Al Gore, like I said before, it's not about the politics. Roger Ebert wrote, "In 39 years, I have never written these words in a movie review, but here they are: You owe it to yourself to see this film. If you do not, and you have grandchildren, you should explain to them why you decided not to."

I would love to hear all of your comments on this subject. You all know I am not one to get worked up over an issue, you'll see why this one's had such an impact with me though once you've watched the flick. Visit and let me know who wants to borrow our copy of the movie. Love to all, be green, be smart.

Liz, Chris, Austin & Hannah

P.S. Thanks Bo-be for the gift!

1 comment:

Kim and Matt said...

Hey Saucier Family! Glad to see you're back and posting....It seems I've missed a lot. The holidays are always a hard time to keep up with posting I think. Austin is such a always. :)

Thanks for the info on the movie. My mom went to see it and I've obviously heard a lot about it, but I'm glad you cleared up the whole political thing. That actually steered me away, but since it's not a political movie, we just might have to rent it.

Hope all is well with you guys!

Kim, Matt and Avery Grace