Saturday, January 5

First Day of School

Austin started school Thursday and absolutely loves it! Gave me a kiss on my way out the door and was on his way learning new things all afternoon. When I arrived to pick him up I was a little early, so I decided to wait in my car outside his classroom window, just to peak in and see how he was doing, you know inconspicuously. Well that worked for all of 10 seconds when he noticed my car outside. He made me feel so good, started jumping up and down saying "Ma-ma! Ma-ma!" So I went inside and he took my hand to show me all the things he had done that day, played with monies (the play cash register), read a story, made a hat (a sparkle filled crown with his name on it), I was so proud of our little man.

On the way home he couldn't stop telling me everything from snack time to circle time and singing. We were certainly hesitant to put him into school this early, but we're very glad we did and feel so good about this program. We are all so excited for Tuesday. Here are a few pictures just before we left for school. Chris was able to see him off as he took the day to work from home, felt a little under the weather that day. Seems I may have picked up on the bug he had, but really what else is new? I'm just thankful that Austin feels well.

Hope you enjoy the post. I wanted to thank all of you who sent us warm wishes during the holidays, it's always so great to get cards from friends and family you haven't heard from or seen in a while. Looks like everyone had a great 2007. Hope 2008 brings you even more blessings.

Love, Liz and the gang


Erin said...

What an exciting milestone! So glad Austin likes his new school!

Kim and Matt said...

Congratulations Austin! You look so grown up! We're so glad you had fun on your first day of school.


Laura said...

We miss you guys so much!

Laura said...

Write a new post! :)