Saturday, January 5


I read a friend's resolutions a couple days ago on her blog and just can't seem to stop thinking about my own now. I had only decided on a few, however she (like she always does) inspired me. So i decided to take on a few more. I debated whether to post these or not, but I haven't written them down and well to be honest there sort of just floating around in my head at the moment and nothing has really stuck. So this is an attempt for me to get things to stick, to work. I find that each year I spend so much time worrying about whether I'll keep to my resolutions, when all it comes down to is this. All my resolutions are activities, changes in my lifestyle or commitments that make ME feel good about myself, so why should I not stick to them? Really it's a no brainer, but I think most of you can probably agree that changing our routines is not always fun, even if it is easy, sometimes it just feels good to not have to process a thought in a different way. Alright now I'm babbling, bit it's really something that's sat heavy on my mind since Christmas.

Here's the list.

1. Become more culturally active in my communities (i.e. Annapolis, D.C. and Baltimore)
I want to see more and broaden my scope of knowledge and what better way to do that than to really embrace the incredible part of the country that we now live in? To add to that thought, I know I can benefit my children by taking Austin to museums, art exhibits, book signings/readings, festivals, concerts and shows even. And I must say that we do all of these things with him now, just not to the extent that I am satisfied with. So my goal is one a week at the very least.

2. Become more active physically
This is one of those no brainer yet easy as pie ones for me. I LOVE WORKING OUT! I love the way it makes me feel, I love the results and I love being able to steal away and relax whether it's walking with my iPod going or taking a relaxing Yoga class. I sleep better, I crave healthier foods and I am a happier person overall because of it. So why don't I do it every day? I don't someone answer that one for me please. We're joining a gym that has an activity area for children. I think it's important we become more active as I don't want our kids being little home bodies, I want them to kick and scream at the end of the day when we have to go inside.... active kids you know?

3. Read more books (and finish them), watch less TV
Cutting back on television is not a difficult thing for me especially since all the writers are on strike. I do enjoy watching a few movies with Chris every week, but I think we choose movies that are good, and by that I don't mean like they make you laugh, I mean that they are movies that we can watch together and comment on the cinematography techniques, direction, story structure, character relationships and overall artistic attributes, not just the ones that are as my brother puts it "fun rides." But what kills me is that I can never get into reading full time. It's either all or nothing for me, like last night for example. My sister-in-law Melissa gave me two books for Christmas (thanks so much by the way) and I picked up the lighter read of the two Eat, Love, Pray and could not put it down. So I was up until 2 a.m. reading. But get this, I couldn't even finish reading Tuesdays with Morrie the entire time we spent in Memphis. I am a slow reader and unless every page makes me turn to the next I guess I just can't find it in myself to finish it. Morrie did that though and I just didn't get the chance to finish it. I do well with short stories. Suggestions welcome please. A.M. Homes rocks my world, I like David Sedaris and pretty much anything my bro sends me.

4. Get my business fully functioning before little Miss arrives
This is probably the most difficult one for me to achieve, for several reasons, one being that it's something I have to do alone and one that I am doing for no one else but myself. I'm not always good at doing things for myself and have actually been tempted to empty my business checking account on buying things for others. I know in the long run that my family will benefit from this, a working Liz is a happy Liz, but my biggest challenge is allowing myself the time to get all my business ducks in a row without feeling guilty that I haven't taken my eyes off the computer for a couple hours. I think now that the little man has school during the week this will allow me to get over that and get work done while he's out of the house. Oh and I also want to redesign my workspace, it just isn't working right now.

5. Live greener - walk a little lighter on this earth
We've done a good job with this one already, but there's so much more to do! And yes, I feel great knowing that we use less energy, that our cars have low CO2 emissions, that we reuse and recycle. I would like to support our local farmers more (yes as you discussed Laura) take mass transit or walk whenever possible, make the house more environmentally friendly and support our local businesses more and the big "marts" less.

6. Spend less money - have less stuff
I don't think this one needs a lengthily explanation. Less is more and that's another thing that makes me feel good and is easy to do. I get a thrill out of not spending anything for several days on end. this may be a challenge though with all the activities I plan on us taking part in :o) So I guess it's better if I say, spend less money on material items.

7. Get organized
Again, less is more. We live in a small house and have way too much stuff that we do not need.

8. Print, Frame and Hang
My artwork, that means I need to photograph more than my adorable kid and other adorable kids, and yes that makes me feel great.

9. Less junk food, more fresh food, no fast food
We did it last year for about 8 months, then lost site and 'got too busy' to bother on focusing in on it anymore. Another easy one, lets just stick to it this time. The greatest thing is that Austin actually prefers fruit over chips and broccoli over french fries.

10. Write more letters

That's it!!! Wish me luck, can't wait to hear your feedback.

Love, Liz


Erin said...

Dont forget to get out monthly with THE GIRLS :)

Thats a heavy list, I am impressed and embarassed that I have not made one resolution yet!!! Now I am motivated!

Laura said...

Those are so inspiring and great! I have to think about some good books for you to read...hmm...I'll find some, I promise! xoxo

Bengela said...

WOW...your 1,2,3,5,6,7,9, and 10 are mine too! We'll have to evaluate each other's progress ;>)

Stay Tuned...more big news coming on the blog...