Tuesday, January 22

A New Post

So I've gotten a few requests for an update on this here blog. Most days I'm not quite sure what to write about. Today is one of those days. Austin has one heck of a cold so we've been camping out inside all day just praying he gets better soon so maybe I can sleep at night again. I stay up not because I have to, but because I worry about our little man. The cough he has right now sounds so ferocious you might think that there is a hungry lion living within my darling little boy. Every time he coughs I wince because I know it can't feel good, not with a sound like that. So I stay up not because he's coughing all night but because if he might start to cough I want to be sure I'm right there to comfort him and let him know it's okay.... so I'm tired, but that's not unusual.

The docs say I'm anemic with this pregnancy, mildly anemic, so I'm only allowed to speak mildly about it I guess. I'm only permitted to be slightly freezing while wearing several layers of clothing and take short naps because that's what mildly anemic individuals are supposed to do.. I guess. Not that I'm complaining, God knows I am thankful for not being entirely anemic, I can't imagine being any more freezing, tired or light headed on a day-to-day basis than I already am. Really, I am thankful for only being mildly anemic.

Austin has this new thing that he says and I'm really not quite sure where he gets it from, Chris cannot figure it out either. If there's something he doesn't want or just feels very strongly about something he now says in a very strong tone "Too bad!" Did they teach him this at school? Like rather than just using 'NO' our son now says "Too bad!" completely out of context. Is there a book they read him that had every other line is "too bad!"? I just hope he's not trying to say stupid, which is not a word used in our home. Dumb is the preferred word when referring to something not so smart or not really to our liking... Not too sure about this all folks... if any of you know clue me in. I know he likes saying it because it's every other sentence out of his mouth and I hate to correct him because really he does sound so sweet and it's so much better that the "na" and "no" we had been receiving from him.

So I was thinking about my New Year's resolutions and was wondering if I've actually stuck to any of them. Here's an update for you all, I think I'm doing alright.

1. Become more culturally active in my communities (i.e. Annapolis, D.C. and Baltimore)
Week one I took Austin into D.C. to the National Natural history museum.
Week two I was away in Maine so didn't really stick to it that week
Last week I went to a book reading/signing for The Middle Place with some girlfriends downtown here in Annapolis
This week I intend to see the Ansel Adams exhibit at the Corcoran gallery

2. Become more active physically
Ummmm... yeah no. I've only been on a few walks since the New Year. I was supposed to go to the gym we're joining today to get all signed up but with Austin being sick I canceled the appointment. I will get to this.

3. Read more books (and finish them), watch less TV
Okay so I've completely stuck to this one and really enjoying my evenings so much more now. I'm just such a slow reader, I now have a stack of books to get to... I'm hoping to finish this one book before February rolls around.

4. Get my business fully functioning before little Miss arrives
Doing very well with this although the process only seems to get longer. I should have my site ready to go live in a week, will have a big announcement once that happens.

5. Live greener - walk a little lighter on this earth
yes, taking care of this one as best I can right now. It just made me sad that it costs so much to really be as responsible as you can be. I think because Chris and I want this badly enough for our family, it will happen, it's just going to take some time and financial readjustments... sad that it comes down to $

6. Spend less money - have less stuff
Yes spending less money and still in the process of having less stuff. Dropped off 2 bags of old jackets to Goodwill yesterday. May the purge continue.

7. Get organized
As I said, let the purge continue

8. Print, Frame and Hang
Maybe next week?

9. Less junk food, more fresh food, no fast food
Okay, so here's one that I've done very well with. I still have a sweet tooth for a little candy here or there, but hey, I'm pregnant what can I say? More fresh food yes, enjoying lots more fruit, salads and only had fast food when we were traveling up to Maine, a very long drive with very few alternatives to fast food.

10. Write more letters
Yes! Have written many relatives I don't have the chance to speak with on the phone very often. I even mailed some pictures to a few of them.

Alright, so Austin is now not keeping anything down, but his fever dropped from 103.1 to 100 degrees, so maybe he just had to hurl the sick out of him. Well wish me luck tonight and wish my little boy well. He wants so bad to play with his friends and go to school. Poor little guy.

Hope you're all doing well and get a wonderful night's sleep tonight... do it for me.


Laura said...

It sounds like you and Austin are both having a rough time of it right now :( I hope with all my heart that you both feel better very soon!

Bethalow said...

Oh Liz, Hugs- Hugs- Hugs!!! Reagan has something similar to Aussie-roo. Don't you just hate that! It's so helpless feeling! Praying for a quick recovery! (For BOTH of you!)