Monday, September 11

Taking Da-da for a walk

Well not too much to report on here. Life has been busy trying to keep with little Austin. Chris and I took the kids to the park this afternoon and had a wonderful time. Just thought I'd share a few photos. Austin is so, so close to walking. He holds tight to my hands for the first few steps. Then he gets so involved with what he's doing he barely holds on at all. I know he'll be walking any day now. I was trying to get a picture of him walking in front of the house with Chris, but being that he's well aware of the camera now, he decided to pose for me rather than continue to walk, little stinker. As you might be able to tell from the pictures, he's very much on his own and likes the independent life. Any time I try to help him do something he gets very mad. His wonderful little personality has begun to blossom and I am finding myself in awe with how complex my little baby is. Well thanks for checking in on us. Hope to hear from you all soon. Love, love, love, Liz, Chris, Austin and Hannah-the-wonder-dog (who got to play lots of ball at the park. Woof!)


Sally Y said...

HEY LIZ! It's been a long time! Thanks for the Craigs list advise! I forgot all about that! Looks like you're all so happy to be back on the east coast and your baby is the CUTEST! Thanks for visiting my blog...If you don't mind, I'll add you to my links!

Sam said...

Austin is ADORABLE! Wow, Liz, he is going to break so many hearts! :)