Sunday, October 8

Haircut #3

Well we took Austin to get his hair cut the other day. We usually only get it cleaned up around the ears and neck, and just let everything else go crazy. I don't think the barber understood what we meant this time though as she took a little more off than we were hoping for. I must admit, I was a little sad as we left the Barber shop as I thoughts of my baby loosing all his curls raced through my mind. Sure, he still looks so very handsome, but what if his beautiful baby curls never make an appearance on his little noggin again? Of the drama of being a mom, I tell ya' what. His hair did look incredibly straight just after he had it cut, but not even an hour later it was all wound up back to its usual curl, just a little shorter and maybe even a little curlier than before. All that panic for nothing! Here he is on the way home from the barber shop, so happy, as usual.

Thanks for checking in on us! Love, Liz and the crew

1 comment:

momto2boys said...

What a cutie pie!! I do not have any email addresses cause of my other computer being out of send me an email if you need to chat about what we chatted about a while ago ( get it?)
