Tuesday, March 13

Post delays

Sorry all for not being better about the blog. We've been so busy with work these days, during my free time I'm either doing homework or playing with Austin. We have a lot of exciting things happening right now and look forward to sharing everything with you soon.

I'm posting pictures from today and yesterday, skipping over a few special events that happened last week, but will get back to those when I have a little more time to write. We had company (Austin met his first love) and he hosted his first book club meeting. So more of that to come. For now enjoy these shots of our kids playing, Austin trying to aspirate Hannah's nose, the way ma-ma does to him..... the things kids do I tell ya! and a picture of me, in the midst of working on all that I'm working on.... in my new glasses I look so, so much like that awesome writer/producer guy Chris Bernier, I could be his sister. You should check out his work here or here

Love to all, Liz & the crew

1 comment:

Bethalow said...

You're so funny- we are in the same boat- I am so behind! Too bad I can't do much until I get my camera back! :)