Friday, March 24

... may I introduce to you ...

Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, may I introduce to you Maryland's newest licensed real estate agent!!!!! Who-hoo, I passed thanks to you all. I totally felt the vibes when I went in for my test this afternoon. Breezed through everything and passed both section (state and national) on the first try!!! I don't think I've ever studied so hard for anything in my life, so I must say how sweet it is, how sweet it is. I actually feel like I've spent a year in captivity and now here I am being freed into civilization again. I have a ton of pictures I've taken of Austin and ... well of Austin and I can't wait to share them with all of you. Not to mension the million other things in my life since this studying took over. No more I say! There will be no more of that nonsense!!!

So before I get carried away, my favorite thing I must share with you tonight the most wonderful super and sensational hubs in the world whom I refer to as Chris. He is the reason why I passed my exam ( besides all of your loving prayers a good vibes) and for several different reasons. Not only is he emotionally supportive and blah, blah, blah (fill in every sentimental and kind thing a husband does for his wife ¨here¨) ...But I acted in a bearish way the entire time I was studying and actually never once heard a peep out of him and how in the world, I ask you, how in the world does he put up with my crap? So yes he is my favorite thing, along with raindrop on roses and whiskers on kittens, snowflakes that fall on my nose and eyelashes ... la la la la la la la la la-la ... these are a few of my favorite things. My dog doesn't bite so I'll stop it there.

Posting a few new pics of my cutie-cutie baby-baby. If you're thinking "Geeze there sure are a lot of pictures of little Austin in a highchair!" well by-gosh darn your right. Just feeding this child is a full time job so I would have to say he spends a pretty good part of his day eating and playing his high chair. Hopefully this weekend I will be able to capture some pictures with a little more variety. We are thrilled to be hosting not one wonderful brother, but two. Both Chris and John have decided to come and visit for my little old 27tbirthdayay, I'm so excited I might just wet the floor when they walk through the door. Should ruanddn straighten up a bit before they get here. Hope you are all well. Thanks again for the prayers and good vibes. Miss you all xoxoxo Liz xoxoxo


Anonymous said...


Congratulations on passing your exam! I knew you would. I'm very proud of you. Have a great weekend with Chris and John. Hugs and kisses to Austin.

Love, Aunt Alice xox

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday Liz.I'm glad Chris and John are there to celebrate with you.Love to Chris Austin and Hannah.

Love Grandpa

Anonymous said...

CONGRATULATIONS AND HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! You have much to celebrate! I am so very happy for you. Keep the pictures coming, I love the updates. Hope to see you soon! Love you and miss you. Meg.

Anonymous said...

Great Job. I am so proud of you and your accomplishments. Great Photos as well. Keep up the good work. Hope you are having a great Birthday.

Love Janice