Sunday, March 19

So good day, great weekend!!! The weather wasn't quite as beautiful as it was last weekend, but we were able to enjoy the outdoors a little more with Austin feeling better. I've started on a running program, still in the beginning stages, but I'm doing well with it. It's a little more of a challenge pushing a baby-jogger around, but it works my upper body as well as the joy of being with Austin while I work out. He has a sunroof in the jogger stroller that he enjoys watching mommy suffer through the workout, and he laughs, he loves to laugh especially at his goofy momma.

I've also been working the Yoga thing and thank you to miss Leah I have some wonderful instruction from Rodney-yoga-stud via DVD. Man does he ever work me over, I've been using the DVDs for a couple weeks now and still can't get through the whole thing, yeah I know I'm out of shape, but I'm working on it right?

So I've decided to dedicate this post to the little lady in my life, Hannah-the-wonder-dog. Can I just tell you, this dog is so wonderful. She was once the center of Chris and I's universe, everything revolved around her until baby-baby entered this earth. Never have a seen a person none the less a dog, take the back seat more gracefully than Hannah did. What a love my pup is. Yaaaaay for Hannah everyone!!! Okay I'll tell you about one of her wonderful ways, and won't bore you with the rest. Whenever Austin is in a cranky mood, Hannah plays chase with us throughout the house, barking and pouncing all over the place, in a Tiger from Pooh sort of way. It's literally the only thing that can cheer Austin up when nothing else works. Our little Hannah love what a gift she is everyday.

Okay so seeing that I am completely sucked into the newest Grey's Anatomy episode, my favorite thing to share with you all is such, the fabulously entertaining program that rules my life every Sunday evening. So I must apologize if this post is a little wacky, my attention is on the tube. So was thinking about it, baby number two is not even a thought right now, but I really like the name Adison, she's the one who messed the whole romance up between Dr. Grey and "McSteamy." McSteamy is this real stud of a doctor who was having a thing with Dr Grey (Meredith) without telling her that he was actually married to Adison. But McSteamy had every right and really wasn't being unfaithful to Adison, because Adison had left McSteamy for his best friend, that nasty girl. Until Adison decides to try to work things out with her husband. So McSteamy being a good husband goes back to Adison, even though he's really still in love with Meredith. So you see you're left still totally in love with McSteamy, he never did anything wrong, right. Regardless I still think the name Adison is beautiful. Okay wrapping this up for now went way overboard with this one. Watch Grey' Anatomy, just try it once okay?

1 comment:

Bethalow said...

I LOVE Addison for a name! Sam and I actually talked about it--Addison, Adison, either way it's a great name! I looked it up on "Baby" or something like that and it says "son of ???" ( I looked it up a long time agi- in the beginning of the season. It also says it's a boy's name-but I LOVE it for a girls name! (How ironic that we would have something else like this in common?!)