Monday, March 13

Our little guy is feeling a lot better today. Chris is working swing shifts right now so I'm enduring odd sleep schedules and a house that needs tending to, and that's putting it lightly. The weather once again is just delightful. Hopefully I'll have some pictures of the park for you all tomorrow. I would love to spend the entire day outside, I just don't want to push the little man into doing too much.

So that's a little of what's going on today in our lives. I've been thinking about it and there are so many things we discover in life, that brings a little smile to our day. So I thought since I have your attention anyway, I'll start posting those little discoveries that bring smiles to our faces. You may agree with me, or you may not. They're just little things I'd like for you all to discover as well. Hopefully they'll bring a smile to your life as they have done for mine.

Yerba Mate, it's wonderful, it's good for you and best of all it contains more caffeine than a venti Starbucks coffee. I must say, one may not like the way it tastes all that much, eventually you will, it is an acquired taste. It contains more anti-oxidants than green tea as well as a load of nutrients. You can order mate at I find that rather then drinking it the traditional way (gourd style) it steeps quite well in a french press. The tea usually comes loose, but if there's a Trader Joe's near you, they sell the bagged stuff there. For 2 lbs of loose tea you pay just as much as a dozen tea bags, so there is a big difference in price. I really like my mate with just honey. Miss Leah tells me honey and milk is her favorite way to mate. Brother Chris actually discovered this wonderful deliciousness for me in Paraguay and telly me it's just as good cold as it it hot. Chris also says that adding a natural form of cocoa powder with milk and mate is the most enjoyable deliciousness mate has to offer. I hope to try that next. So if you enjoy tea and caffeine give this stuff a try. Let me know the wonderful ways you learn to indulge in the mate. xoxo Liz xoxo

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