Sunday, May 7

Up Close and in Personal

Chris and I decided to take Austin down to the harbor the day the boats pulled into Annapolis. We've had pretty good timing with all of the events and this day was no exception. We decided to park on the academy campus as to avoid the masses and hassles of parking downtown. I think we had one of the best seats in town as the boats passed right in front of us, not even 40 yards away. I was craving ice cream in a bad way as the weather was just calling for it, so after they docked we decided to walk to the downtown pier and check them out even closer and try to get a glimpse of the teams as they disembarked their boats.

Right off the bat Chris recognized the captain of the Pirates ship. He snapped a pretty good picture of the guy, but was too shy to ask for his autograph. I wanted to ask if he'd sign my baby, but Chris thought that was inappropriate.... oh well. These other pictures of the boats don't really do them justice, they're really an impressive sight to see. Actually one of the two boat designs was created here in Annapolis. The coolest thing about this whole race is seeing how excited it all makes my husband, like watching a 5-year-old at Disney World. Enjoy the pics, if any of you have any questions I'm sure Chris would love to chat with you about it. Love to all, Liz, Chris, Austin & Hannah

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