Monday, July 10

What a guy

Austin had a great day playing in the sun in the new pool his memere and pepere got him for his birthday. The weather heated back up again here and the humidity is so thick you can cut it with a knife. Here are a few new pics I took of the bebe today. He's learning things so quickly these days, it's incredible. He signs 'all done' and 'more' and say and waves 'bye-bye' and 'hi' he claps while saying 'yaaaay' and today for the first time he called Chris Daddy, not da-da, daddy. Not to mention the fact that he hasn't stopped for a moment, as I type he's pulling all of the trash out of my waste paper basket and placing each sheet into a neat little pile beside him. Let's just hope he's more organized than his mom and dad. Well have a wonderful week and I will try to update soon. All our love, Liz, Chris Austin & 'H' (she prefers to be called that now, you know she's of drinking age now? ha ha! Our little girl is all grown up... sweet Hannah)


As Life Goes On... said...

We should have all been in that little pool yesterday. It's like hell hot here too. I'm so glad our big boy loves the water. You should enjoy it with him!!!

Sam said...

Hey Liz, just curious when Austin first started signing? I started with Nolan at about 6 months, but really have been consistent with it since 7 months. I do "eat" "more" "milk" & "all done." He is SO interested, but as of yet, no signing. Just curious what your experience was? How exciting! And by the way, Austin and "H" are beautiful! He's such a big boy!

Bethalow said...

Boy what an absolutely beautiful kid! I just can't get over it! I wish we could be out there in the humidity with you all...maybe next year! :)

Anonymous said...

This site is one of the best I have ever seen, wish I had one like this.