Wednesday, February 28

Losing interest in LOST

Now tell me, why has LOST been a total let down for us this season? I almost can't get myself to watch anymore. Could it be that Heroes rocks cable now and LOST has nothing on it? I don't think so. I think LOST has too little mystery these days. Granted a level of mysteriousness still exists, however you no longer feel like the numb-skull idiot that used to wonder about everything, the numbers, the 'Others', the Sawyer, Kate, Jack love-triangle. Ahhh, I miss the days of yelling at the television at the end of the episode, 'You've got to be kidding me! You can't end an episode/season like that! Oh this is so good.' Now the only thing that reels me back in is the preview for next week. Okay, just had to get that out.

Sorry, Austin pictures coming soon.

Love, Liz


Sam said...

I'm with you, Liz. Last night was the biggest disappointment. I am hoping it's building a foundation for something great to come? I love a little "feel good" with my LOST, but that seemed to be all it was last night! SO ANNOYING!And looking at the forums, most fans are at their breaking point. Come on ABC, get with it! :)

Laura said...

Uh oh...I haven't even watched this week's Lost yet but last week's bored Chris and me to tears. This is not a good sign...