Friday, February 9


Hi everyone! Austin has been keeping us very, very busy these days. He's saying new words left and right, today's were book and five. He also showed us how can knock, knock, knock! And he finishes that with a 'he-wow?'

He climbs up anything he can reach and sat at the big table (not on it this time, in a chair on a phone book like mom used to do for me) to 'read' his National Geographic from Grammy. This issue highlighted the differences between cats and dogs and boy did our little guy have a blast barking and meowing at each one of them!

I snapped a few shots of him loving his breakfast, pan-fried toast and blueberries, now tell me this kid doesn't have Maine-iac blood.

Hope you are all doing great and can't wait to hear from each one of you.

Love to all, Liz, Chris, Austin and 'H'

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