Tuesday, February 5

I should really start doing sit-ups

No that's not a basketball

So after sending out the notice of my personal assignment, I received several requests for photos of me. Here they are friends. Not all that great, I had been working all morning on the computer. I really need to work on the self portrait thing. In my own defense though, I had everything set up to take a few pictures hoping to not have to shoot into the mirror and between the dog and the Austin, my camera was knocked over twice (coming within inches of the fireplace hearth = scary for Liz) and the backdrop was pulled down 3 times so I gave up and headed into the bathroom to grab a shot of myself in the mirror.

This belly is big, well actually it's huge... the scariest part for me is that this little sweetie has more than three months of growing left and quite a few pounds to gain...
I can't wait to see just how big it does get :o)


Families are like fudge... said...

You look absolutely WONDERFUL Mama! xoxo's Jaimel ;)

Erin said...

You look fantastic! Hang in there, it seems the girls do a number on you, but SO worth it in the end :) :) Mags cant wait to meet her new girlfriend!

Bengela said...


Bethalow said...