Sunday, February 10

Too few

There will never be too many moments like this. Chris and I were finished eating dinner and typically end up sitting at the table talking until the A-man has finished his plate. He's been a bit of a picky eater these days, putting up a fight when we feed him anythign other than chicken nuggets and pizza, and this night was no exception. Until Chris and I were done and our plates had been cleared, he surprised us and actually began eating the quesadillas I had made for him, dip, dipping them in the salsa and guac left behind from Chris and I.

Of course Chris and I never give Austin's little miraculous acts like this any attention only because we fear he may stop at once with any sort of acknowledgment. So we continue on our adult conversation paying him no mind, when he decides mid-meal, that he wants to cuddle on daddy's lap and climbed on over from his seat to Chris'. I couldn't grab my camera fast enough. It's just a little moment, but one that I know if you were a fly on the wall in our home you would have thought it was pretty darn cool too. I can't even tell you how fortunate we feel just knowing there will be twice as many moments as these in just 3 short months. So fortunate, so grateful, so blessed.

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